Protect Your Business With The Best Network Security Design Services
Businesses are no exception when it comes to being a target for data theft, malware attacks and hackers. Their important and sensitive data such as employee and HR information and customer details are constantly at risk from online threats. SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses) operate with smaller spending budgets, which means they can find it difficult to implement a network security design the best suits their needs. This is why smaller businesses in Melbourne turn to Intellect IT for a range of affordable and tailored IT solutions.
Their experienced team of IT specialists provide a rapid incident service in the event a business has suffered from an unexpected security breach or digital attack. By evaluating all comprised systems, they will design a counteractive plan and put in place the exact required security measures and processes in order to prevent future digital attacks.
Intellect IT will also conduct a risk assessment and vulnerability review of the entire business IT network and its security procedures. They will identify and assess the weaknesses in your network security, suggest and implement any needed enhancements or changes to ensure the network is secure and protected.
A secure network design looks different for many businesses, depending on their industry and network infrastructure. It can be a combination of various hardware and software solutions that are designed to protect from online digital and external threats. Having a secure network security design from Intellect IT will ensure your business is constantly monitored and protected.
These threats can include malware and viruses that will spread through the entire network if they aren’t undetected in time. They are designed to replicate and infect any files, connected devices, programs and operating systems to cause maximum damage.
Ransomware is designed to infect a device or computer and lock particular data or files with an encryption. A hacker will then contact the infected user and request payment (usually in bitcoins) in exchange for removing the encryption. This typically happens when an employee receives an email posing as an established company and requests them to download a file or click on a link, which then creates a backdoor for the ransomware.
If a business does not already have an effective network security design in place, then all it can take is just one attack to bring their entire business to a complete standstill. It can result in the theft of confidential data, destroying company data or defacing a business’s website.
Intellect IT has had over 14 years of experience protecting a wide variety of businesses in Melbourne by designing and establishing network security designs that fully protect businesses against internal and external online attacks. Their professional IT specialists work closely with businesses to provide personalised network security solutions. This includes firewall security, security management, virus protection, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), cloud-based storage and more.
To ensure your company’s IT network is constantly protected and secure, have a discussion with the team at Intellect IT. To learn more about their network security design and monitoring services, visit or call them directly on 1300 799 165 today.