Ensure Your Business is Fully Protected with Byod Security Solutions from Intellect IT
More and more businesses are adopting the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) practice in their offices. BYOD allows staff to ‘bring their own device’ into work to be used for work purposes and connect wirelessly to the IT network. Although this has many benefits, it has also led to businesses having to deal with the complex nature of having multiple users, operating systems and different types of devices being connected to one IT infrastructure. To ensure your business has effective BYOD security solutions in place, the IT experts at Intellect IT are here to help.
Security risks and threats can run rampant if efficient and effective BYOD security solutions are not put in place. Having multiple connected devices, such as Android and iPhone that use different operating systems, can potentially lead to a data breach or increase the risk of important data being infected with viruses. The infection can then escalate further and infect other devices that are connected to your business’s IT network. There is also the risk that if an employee’s device is lost or stolen, it can then result in sensitive or crucial company data that is stored on the device being stolen and shared.
At Intellect IT, they can assess your business’s current IT infrastructure to identify any potential issues that need addressing and provide BYOD security solutions such as Meru Connect. Meru Connect is a platform which will effectively integrate any device for guests and employees into your business’s network infrastructure. This will enable full control over what devices can connect, who is allowed access and what level of access is granted to your wired and wireless networks.
Apart from providing control over all connections to the network, Meru Connect also increases productivity by allowing all staff to be connected to the server no matter their location. This ensures that all employees can connect without issue and collaborate by sharing a greater amount of secured information between each team member.
Intellect IT can also provide IT tools and services such as additional security software and VPNs (Virtual Private Network), which will encrypt all data when transmitted and prevent leaking of sensitive data. This is an ideal BYOD security solution as employees accessing open and unsecured networks can put sensitive company data at risk and leave their own device open to threats such as hackers, malware and viruses.
Their team uses the latest encryption technology that can ensure that your business’s wireless network is fully secure and protected. To protect your network from any unauthorised access, Intellect IT can implement encryptions such as WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). For complete BYOD security, they can increase the security of your network with additional tools such as Layer 3 and 7 VPNs, TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and more.
Ensure that your business is fully protected with BYOD security solutions from the network infrastructure experts at Intellect IT. Visit their website today for more information and to view their complete range of IT services they provide.